
List of the Best Cryptocurrencies to Mine in 2023

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of verifying transactions on a blockchain network in exchange for tokens or coins. It plays a crucial role in the security and stability of a blockchain network. In the early days of cryptocurrency, mining could be done on personal computers, but as the networks became more popular, miners had to adopt more advanced techniques to remain profitable.

Cryptocurrency mining

In this article, we will cover mining strategies, subcategories of mining, factors affecting profitability, and profitable coins to mine. Whether you're an enthusiast or an investor, this guide will provide you with the knowledge of what is the best crypto to mine right now. 

Mining Strategies

There are three primary mining strategies: ASIC mining, GPU mining, and CPU mining. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages.

ASIC stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit. These are hardware devices designed specifically for mining a particular cryptocurrency, which makes them more efficient and powerful than traditional computing systems. ASICs are most compatible with Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchain networks and are ideal for mining large-cap cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.

GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit. These are powerful graphical processing units that are commonly found in gaming computers. GPUs are well suited for mining new, smaller-cap cryptocurrencies that are more frequently released and updated than ASIC-compatible coins.

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. These processors are commonly found in personal computers and laptops. CPU mining is not as efficient as the other two strategies, but it's a good option for mining low-cap and low-difficulty cryptocurrencies.

Subcategories of mining

Once you've selected your mining strategy, you'll then need to choose between solo mining, pool mining, or cloud mining.

  • Solo mining

Solo mining is a strategy used by individual miners using their own hardware to mine cryptocurrencies. Solo mining is an excellent option if you have an efficient mining rig or if you're mining a low-difficulty cryptocurrency. The rewards can be higher, but it’s high-risk and may take a more extended period.

  • Pool mining

Pool mining refers to miners collaborating to mine cryptocurrencies together. The rewards are split among all miners, which makes it a more consistent strategy. This strategy is ideal for smaller miners to receive a share in a pool with larger miners that have greater computing power.

  • Cloud mining

Cloud mining is a method whereby you rent computing power from a large mining company. This strategy is ideal for miners who don’t want the burden of maintenance, upgrades, and electricity costs associated with their mining rig. However, it can be expensive, and thus, profitability can be lower.

Factors Affecting Profitability

The profitability of mining depends on various factors. Here are four main factors to consider.

  • Price of the cryptocurrency

The price of the cryptocurrency you're mining affects your profitability. When prices rise, mining profitability increases, and when prices fall, profits may also dip.

  • Cost associated with running a mining rig

Electricity costs associated with running a mining rig are a significant expense, which can reduce your profitability. It's essential to have a mining rig that operates with low energy consumption and wattage when selecting a mining strategy.

  • Mining difficulty

Mining difficulty refers to the level of complexity associated with solving mathematical algorithms to create new blocks. This is adjusted to maintain consistent block creation times. The higher the mining difficulty, the lower the profitability.

The reward system of the blockchain network

Different blockchain networks offer different reward systems. Some offer more coins as a reward for mined blocks, while others reward miners with transaction fees. It's essential to choose a blockchain network with a good reward system.

What is the Best Coin to Mine

Once you have chosen your mining strategy, it's time to choose a cryptocurrency to mine. Here are the top profitable cryptocurrencies:

1. Ethereum and Ethereum Classic

Ethereum has transitioned from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) system to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS), making it impossible to mine. Ethereum Classic (ETC), however, can still be mined using CPUs and graphics cards. ETC is a resilient chain that maintains the original principles of Ethereum and has been recently growing in popularity due to its lower energy consumption compared to other cryptocurrencies.

2. Monacoin

Monacoin (MONA) started as a fork of Litecoin and adopted the Lyra2REv2 hashing algorithm. It is relatively easy to mine with CPUs or GPUs, but it has lower growth potential than ETC. MONA is mainly used in Japan for online payments and is supported by several exchanges. If you're looking for the best crypto to mine with GPU 2023 – Monacoin will be a good choice.

3. Vertcoin and ZCash

Vertcoin (VTC) and ZCash (ZEC) are both ASIC-resistant cryptocurrencies, which means that they can be mined using CPUs and GPUs. ZEC has proven to be one of the most stable and reliable cryptocurrency projects. VTC, on the other hand, has taken a more radical approach, introducing a new algorithm every few months. 

4. Grin

Grin (GRIN) is an open-source project that is driven by community, which has becoming more and more popular in recent years. It uses the Cuckoo Cycle hashing algorithm and provides steady profits at a relatively low price. GRIN is a privacy-focused project that emphasizes security and decentralization.

5. Monero

Monero (XMR) is one of the most profitable coins to mine in 2023 because of its high price and unlimited supply. It uses the RandomX algorithm, which is resistant to ASICs. XMR has a strong community and a proven track record of privacy and security features, making it one of the most popular coins in the market.

6. RavenCoin

RavenCoin (RVN) is a newer cryptocurrency that has rapidly gained popularity due to its focus on asset transfer. Although it is a relatively new project, it is one of the best cryptocurrencies to mine using GPUs and has been actively developed to support a variety of functionalities.

7. DigiByte

DigiByte (DGB) uses 5 different independent algorithms and supports several mining options, including ASICs, GPUs, and CPUs. This approach makes DGB more resistant to 51% attacks and provides different mining options.

8. Aeternity

Aeternity (AE) offers a mix of Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake algorithms, that's why it is considered as one of the most profitable coins for mining. With a focus on smart contracts and scalability, AE has been successful in attracting developers and miners.

9. Metaverse

Metaverse (ETP) is a crypto asset built on the Ethash algorithm, which is similar to the algorithm used in Ethereum. ETP is one of the most profitable ways of mining ETP, which is a blockchain project focusing on digital identity and asset management.


Mining of cryptocurrency is a profitable occupation, but it requires technical knowledge and investment. Remember, mining rewards depend on various factors, including the cryptocurrency chosen, hardware, electricity costs, and mining difficulty. Therefore, it is important to do your own research before investing in mining equipment or joining a mining pool. Happy mining!

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