Cartera para su Bone ShibaSwap
Retenga, rastree y compre Bone ShibaSwap en Arctic: el mejor lugar para administrar sus Bone ShibaSwap de forma segura. Disponible para computadora, próximamente para smartphones.
Administrar Bone ShibaSwap
Bone ShibaSwap (BONE)
1,068.58331 BONE$427.31
Intercambia Bone ShibaSwap sin esfuerzo
Use la función de intercambio en la aplicación para intercambiar Bone ShibaSwap sin problemas y rápidamente:
  1. Vaya a la pestaña Intercambio, elija Bone ShibaSwap como moneda para Enviar;
  2. Elija un criptoactivo que le gustaría recibir;
  3. Elija una Tarifa Mejor o Fija;
  4. ¿Listo? Empieza haciendo clic en “Intercambiar”.
1 USDT = 2.50072151 BONE
Tether ERC20
Bone ShibaSwap
Tengo 241.40 Tether
241.40 USDT$241.40
Quiero Bone ShibaSwap
590.270306 BONE$236.04
Use la función de intercambio en la aplicación para intercambiar Bone ShibaSwap sin problemas y rápidamente:
  1. Vaya a la pestaña Intercambio, elija Bone ShibaSwap como moneda para Enviar;
  2. Elija un criptoactivo que le gustaría recibir;
  3. Elija una Tarifa Mejor o Fija;
  4. ¿Listo? Empieza haciendo clic en “Intercambiar”.
Compra y vende Bone ShibaSwap con una tarjeta bancaria
Use su tarjeta de débito o crédito para comprar Bone ShibaSwap o retirar dinero:
  1. Elija un activo para comprar ou vender;
  2. Elija la moneda fiduciaria de su tarjeta de la lista;
  3. Proporcione los datos de su tarjeta;
  4. Reciba BONE en su billetera o moneda fiduciaria en su tarjeta bancaria.
1 BONE = 0.40 USD
US Dollar
Bone ShibaSwap (BONE)
Tengo 236.04 US Dollar
Quiero Bone ShibaSwap
Use su tarjeta de débito o crédito para comprar Bone ShibaSwap o retirar dinero:
  1. Elija un activo para comprar ou vender;
  2. Elija la moneda fiduciaria de su tarjeta de la lista;
  3. Proporcione los datos de su tarjeta;
  4. Reciba BONE en su billetera o moneda fiduciaria en su tarjeta bancaria.
Gráfico de precios de Bone ShibaSwap
$0.401 BONE
2.80%Cambio de 24H
$99.9MSuministro circulante
$99.9MValor del mercado
$4,961,099.30Volumen de 24H
¿Qué es Bone ShibaSwap?

BONE is a governance token that grants holders the right to make decisions and vote on important matters within the Shibaswap ecosystem. It serves as a way of decentralizing decision-making and ensuring that community members have a say in the platform's development. The more BONE a user holds the more voting power they have. This means that those who hold more tokens have a stronger voice in governance issues.
BONE's voting system functions similarly to other governance tokens in that each proposal comes with a minimum quorum and an approval threshold. When a proposal meets the minimum quorum, eligible voters can vote on the proposal. If it reaches the approval threshold, it becomes a law, and the applicable changes are made within Shibaswap. This process ensures that the community's voice is heard in the decision-making process.
BONE differs from other governance tokens in terms of how it addresses voter apathy. Shibaswap has implemented a "decay" function to keep voters active. This means that if a user doesn't vote, their voting power will decrease over time. This ensures that active community members, who are passionate about Shibaswap, hold the most voting power.
BONE has a current circulating supply of 250,000,000 tokens, with only 43,000 holders. Compared to other governance tokens, this supply is relatively low, meaning that there's more potential for scarcity and demand. Shiba Inu has taken a unique approach to supply, with each token having a maximum supply of 1 quadrillion. Like most cryptocurrencies, SHIB tokens have no intrinsic value, meaning that their value is subject to supply and demand. So, the lower the supply, the higher the potential value.
ShibaSwap and BONE are part of the larger Shiba Inu ecosystem, in which Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, received trillions of SHIB tokens. While many speculated that VB would offload the coins instantly, he decided to donate them instead. This donation marked the largest crypto donation in history, with around $1.2 billion worth of tokens given to the India Covid-Crypto Relief Fund. The donation was a significant moment for the Shiba Inu community, and it helped distinguish the coin as a legitimate player in the crypto space.

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